Buying & Selling Star Wars During Level 3 Lockdown

Toys and Collectibles Shipping Again

On the morning of Tuesday 28th of April (next week), we’ll be waking up to a country that has moved in to Covid-19 Alert Level 3. While this will not mean a lot of change for many kiwis, it does mean that “businesses can open premises, but cannot physically interact with customers” – i.e., many online retailers will start shipping non-essential items again, an fulfilling any orders for such items that were placed during Alert Level 4 (read more details on the NZ government Covid-19 website).

When courier’s deliver packages of collectibles that you’ve purchased online, you’ll still need to respect their safety and observe social distancing rules, but you can now start placing orders for delivery early next week on a number of sites, including the following:

Person-to-Person Trading (Including TradeMe)

From next Tuesday, trading via TradeMe and Facebook will open up too. Although TradeMe haven’t posted a specific update on their site yet, it has been reported via that:

At Alert Level 3, as people gain slightly greater travel freedoms, Trade Me says it will continue to advise people not to use cash for payment, and ensure that any deliveries are contactless.

But Trade Me is aware that some items won’t be able to be couriered.

“In that case, members must maintain a 2-metre distance from one another and ensure they are following the Government’s restrictions such as remaining in their region.” 

Next Tuesday we’ll switch the Buy & Sell settings on the SWNZ Facebook Group back to facilitate local trading. The TradeMe rules will be good to follow at that time – do not use cash for payments, and ensure any deliveries are contactless.

Buy Local!

Although it has always been a good idea to support local businesses, NewsHub is reporting on a specific initiative in light of the lockdown:

To help some of those businesses and retailers get back off the ground, a campaign called #shopkiwi has been started, allowing New Zealand companies to sell products directly to consumers online.

The number of participating stores will likely grow, but consider referencing it when buying any products that will become available for distribution once we hit the Level 3 point next week. Read more about retailers that are participating at

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