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Question regarding selling original ANH and ESB Kenner 3.75s

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:21 am
by Armante
Hey everyone,

I've recently sold two Kenner playsets from ESB, and still have a couple small vehicles and a box full of original Kenner 3 3/4 action figures. None carded, all played with, but in decent enough condition, and pretty much all have their weapons/capes/sabres etc.

My question is - what are they worth? :)

I'd be happy to sell them here or on TradeMe, but there's no point in asking unrealistic prices. Could someone point me in the right direction for finding their worth?
I saw a series of auction on TradeMe earlier today, asking for 30-40 bucks for a Leia, 23 for a Snowtrooper, 40 for a Stormtrooper, 22 for Chewie, and 94 for a Darth and 95 for a Luke.
Are those prices reasonable? Insane?

Any and all guidance appreciated, as are expressions of interest :)
Happy to go through and sort them if someone wants to know what I've got.

Re: Question regarding selling original ANH and ESB Kenner 3.75s

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 7:22 pm
by Bazzack
Very interested to see what you have.
If you post photos, I'm sure we can give you some guidance as to value. A list of figures won't really help as much, as condition, completeness, and version all play a big part.

The prices you mentioned from trademe sound reasonable in today's inflated market. As long as the figures were complete with original weapons/accessories.
Except maybe the Vader and Luke(depending on what they actually were, and condition)

There are some variants of figures that command much higher prices than others, for collectors that are looking for that sort of thing.

Re: Question regarding selling original ANH and ESB Kenner 3.75s

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:06 pm
by MattG
Reinforcing Bazzack's response - value can span a surprisingly wide range depending on condition and accessories, especially for the earlier and rarer figures. Pics will I'm sure a few of us are keen just to see what you've got.
Armante wrote:...I'd be happy to sell them here or on TradeMe...
Don't forget that these options aren't mutually's not an unreasonable strategy to post here then convert from an FS to an FA thread by listing on TradeMe and linking to it from your existing thread. :)