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Waitohu school Gala

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:53 am
by badges2nz
Hey guys and girls, We are having a school gala fund raiser at the Waitohu school in Otaki on Saturday 28th March from 11am-2pm.
If anyone is interested in coming along in costume to help out this would be great.
I'll give more details on March 3rd after the home and school association have their meeting on this event.
We are hoping to do a jedi training academy type event if I can get some wranglers and jedi to help train the younglings.
I'll also be making a request through the out post forums as well.
At this point anyone wanting to troop for this is more than welcome to come along, food and drinks provided.
:D :) :D

Re: Waitohu school Gala

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:38 am
by badges2nz
OK, Details are still the same, but I have run into a bit of a snag.
Hasbro NZ have run out of the cheapie light sabers for me to do what I would like to with the Jedi training academy.
I will have to try and source at least five from somewhere to do this.
If anyone can help out with a temporary supply or know if there are any going at certain stores around the place can you let me know, Ta :)

Re: Waitohu school Gala

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:39 pm
by MattG
Hey Badges - don't want to burst your bubble, but I should just pass on a heads up that Disney/Lucasfilm don't allow the 501st or Rebel Legion to run/organise lightsaber events with kids because of the liability issues, and also don't allow those groups to use the term "Jedi Training Academy" as that is the formal name for the event they run at Disney theme parks.

Re: Waitohu school Gala

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 8:42 am
by badges2nz
Hey Matt, Thanks for the heads up on this, The easiest way to explain what i was wanting to do was to say Jedi training academy then everyone would know it would be a trained technique with light saber then fight Darth Vader for a bit of fun.
Also thanks for the advice regarding possible danger for kids being hurt unintentionally.
I'll have to do a bit of a rethink maybe prepare a dueling display or photos with the characters, or I can re do a shoot the trooper booth again.

Re: Waitohu school Gala

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:55 am
by MattG
badges2nz wrote:...The easiest way to explain what i was wanting to do was to say Jedi training academy then everyone would know it would be a trained technique with light saber then fight Darth Vader for a bit of fun...
Yeah, I really didn't want to put a downer on your plans, but thought you should at least know in advance that LFL has issued specific instructions to the costuming groups on the topic, so that you could make an informed decision.

Re: Waitohu school Gala

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:40 am
by badges2nz
Yeah, I really didn't want to put a downer on your plans, but thought you should at least know in advance that LFL has issued specific instructions to the costuming groups on the topic, so that you could make an informed decision.[/quote]

Hey Matt, Thank you for that, It's best to know what can be done without disrupting the powers that be.
Is the full list available to those just browsing the 501st forum or do I have to be a full member there to view these rules?
I have almost completed my Darth Vader costume to 501st standards hopefully, but have had alot of difficulty with my AT AT costume to finish the boots and compad for the glove.

Re: Waitohu school Gala POSTPONED

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:50 am
by badges2nz
Just to let everyone know that the school gala has been postponed this weekend to next term some time. :cry:
I'll update details as soon as I have found out what will be planned.
Apparently the weather isn't going to be good for the Gala.

Re: Waitohu school Gala

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:54 am
by Blaxmyth
Hi Badges!

I wouldn't mind coming down from Wanganui, if that's OK? Could you give us a few weeks notice, though?


Re: Waitohu school Gala

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:31 am
by badges2nz
Blaxmyth wrote:Hi Badges!

I wouldn't mind coming down from Wanganui, if that's OK? Could you give us a few weeks notice, though?

Hey Blaxmyth,

That's fine, at the moment the re scheduled date for the Gala is going to be tentatively booked for Sunday 24th May, if there are no big sports days or other big events around that time.
You are more than welcome to come down, the more the better I think, would be a great way to troop and catch up with ones that I haven't met before.

Re: Waitohu school Gala

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 6:45 am
by badges2nz
The Gala is scheduled for the 24th May which is a Sunday.
Start time is 11am with a 2pm finish time.
This will also be weather dependent, hopefully it will be fine.
I hope to have a couple of games of a star wars nature sorted out, bobbing for Death Stars etc etc. :)
If you are interested in coming along then please let me know through the forum or PM me.
Thanks again and I look forward to seeing as many as possible there.