Games are far too difficult

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Buzz Bumble
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Games are far too difficult

Post by Buzz Bumble »

Why do they have to make these games so {beep}ing difficult?? I know I'm pretty hopeless at them and my computer is old and slow (and even slower and jerkier when emulating a Windows PC), plus I'm using the keyboard, but still ...

Even on supposed "Easy" there's nowhere near enough health and ammunition pick-ups to be able to complete Level 1 of Jedi Knight.

Rebel Assault was so unplayable even the "Training" level couldn't be comleted. Similar with Rebel Assault II.

Dark Forces I managed to get a little way into, but it keeps making me very motion-sick.

Most of the Gameboy Star Wars games are also unplayably difficult.


I did complete Pit Droids and near-complete Droidworks though, and Yoda Stories. :)
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Re: Games are far too difficult

Post by Dawfydd »

Well back then games were super short so they were hard or repeatable, i recall that rebel assault was super hard back in the day as well but it was great video to watch i don't recall ever playing much because i didn't have a computer to run it, but i saw it being "played" lol

Dark forces i grew up with they're fantastic, the first one was a little harder without a light saber but back then doom and wolf3d and such were all fairly hard games bosses had like 90 times the hp you had, so you had to run around and stuff, it was hair pullingly hard sometimes but really rewarding.

As for games an older pc could play Jedi knight 2, Is a really decent game the light saber forms are really awesome i played online with them you could duel without force powers and it was the closest thing to awesome i had ever done, the game is use lightsaber to block blaster fire, and force power everyone to death ledges were instant death and jumping puzzles were everywhere and lame but it was a great story.

Jedi Academy is the next installment after Dark forces, Dark forces 2; Jedi knight, Jedi knight 2.
It uses other characters the story is more bland there aren't many upgrades on the core gameplay it seemed like an expansion pack to be honest. But luke had some decent screen time as a master along with kyle and i think he helped one mission.

The forceunleashed if your computer will run it, will be the best bet for an "easier" game its all button mashing lol there are some jumpy puzzles and semi hard bits but i don't recall dying other than jumping off ledges, the bad bit is : Quick time events to kill large mobs ; ugh.

There is also a starwars ; Aoe of empires skin i played cause i love starwars enough to play a shitty version LOL
Empire at war (and expansion) of space sim combat kind of. very pretty requirements maybe around force unleashed 2 level.

I hadn't thought of yoda story in ages i remember playing it and it was good but dont recall much about it, As far as gameboy games go most of them are hard because besides more story as text hardness is the only way to drag them out with limited space lol (and re-using maps :P)

Battlefront 1-2 are good first person shooters if you get dizzy with them it might not be a great idea but they also have space missions battlefront 2 of which they are remaking soon is one of the greatest starwars games the lightsaber combat is ass, click to wave it around like a blind person.
But the stormtrooper/clonetrooper perspectives are really good. play as battle droids, stormmies, clones (all types) fly fighters from both factions from clone wars and rebelion era.
But be warned, clone trooper guns are decent then you get dropped into a stormtrooper basic gun which fires like ass LOL a kill streak gives you can upgrade if you can stay alive! ^_^

If you give me your computer specs or what you can emulate (and your tastes) i might be able to give you some more suggestions besides the games that came out pre 90s and some console games i've played 90% of starwars pc games. ^_^

Also shadows of the empire, N64 emulator play the hoth stage get a cable around a walker, you will feel on top of the world its pretty hard to manage till you get the jist of it, and its so great lol
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Re: Games are far too difficult

Post by Buzz Bumble »

I've got almost all the PC / Mac Star Wars games (and some of the Gameboy series and Amiga games), although my computer is too old to run most of them, but with a few exceptions they're all either simply far too difficult to play and/or the 3D ones make me extremely motion sick. :(

I know the jerky movement means I do often use more shots to kill some of the baddies, but the ammunition is just far too limited, to the point of ridiculousness. I really can't see a point in making it a "lifetime career" just to try and play a game - it's meant to be a leisurely pasttime!
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Re: Games are far too difficult

Post by mdb »

I'm going backwards in the Mass Effect series and they are progressively more difficult the further back I go... I suspect I may have to give up my dream of playing my Shep from the first game (I need an older computer to run the darn thing, XP!)

Anyway, yeah even taking in to account my casual status I am a hopeless platformer (I can shoot and smack (mobniblade ftw!) but I can't jump and move about and it seems earlier games require a lot more fine control of.. controllers.

Ask me about the Reaper on Rannock.. eye twitch to match actual twitching.

Currently trying to get out of a volcano.. yeah...

Anyway, much as I want to play KotOR I suspect my machine probably won't run it and I suspect I just won't be able to play. Let alone earlier games :/ But Dawfydd (welsh?) I can give you my specs as I'd really like to play some earlier games (Windows 8, just as an advance warning about what might be possible ;) )

I'm better than I was, though there is video of me attempting to play Diablo 3 while in my Turian costume. I blame my fail on my inability to see (full face mask), my gloves (turians have three digits on each hand) and forgetting who I was (I'm the red head chick right? Shoot no the dude with the sword). That said, in my first attempt at the first(?) Tombraider I killed Lara in the training arena. Straight off a platform. On to her neck. I didn't pick up a game after that until SWTOR. So SWTOR and ME2 are what got me back in to attempting to play let alone playing and it was due to interesting characters I wanted to costume as ;) Samara and Shae ;)

So I suppose, I hear ya.
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Re: Games are far too difficult

Post by Dawfydd »

Yeah its true older games were far more punishing and us gamers remember those as the Rose coloured times, but don't confuse rse coloured times with some kind of happy time, most the time either our faces were red from the ***** hard encounter/boss we just lost to, or our thumbs were covered in blisters.

Only tip i can recall from dark forces is, the stormtrooper gun obviously is a piece of *censored* and should only be brought out if you have lots of weak enemies around, Otherwise use the pistol if i recall correctly there is a charge shot(hold alt fire?) which can almost one kill any of the medium baddies. and even the slower single shot is the same power as the rifle, but is accurate.

To be blunt most starwars games i've played have required some decent level of skill or have been a little harder than other games of their type.
I've been gaming my entire life though so they don't phase me much, but i can understand how it'd be hard to find something to enjoy without having to do elite training to the rocky theme.

Having an older computer might make it harder to find an easier game because the last few years games have been reduced hardness haha, for more people like yourself to enjoy the experience which is great as long as there are choices, But i fear quick time events would kill you, As they kill me often - I hate them so damned much and the Force unleashed is full of them. :(

If you found a better computer i could even suggest star wars the old republic, its an mmo but free to play these days you it isn't easy per-say but leveling can be at your own pace avoiding hard quests getting help for class quests that are hard etc.
Its just a little computer requirement heavy.
Cw44 Ashoka.
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Re: Games are far too difficult

Post by Buzz Bumble »

mdb wrote:(I need an older computer to run the darn thing, XP!)
Emulation / virtualisation is the easier way, although you still need an original version of the operating system to install.

On my ancient Mac I can boot into Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X, and although slowly I can run Windows 95 under emulation. There's also a ton of different emulators available for various old computer and console systems - some easier to set-up than others, and some that require an image file of the original system's ROM chip.

I'm better than I was, though there is video of me attempting to play Diablo 3 while in my Turian costume.
I did finish the first Diablo game, ruining a mouse in the process. I had to stop playing Diablo II because my brother wanted his original CD back.
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Re: Games are far too difficult

Post by Buzz Bumble »

Flicking through the channels on TV last night I stumbled across a couple of game review / news shows on Face TV. Pretty much all the games they showed looked impossibly over-complicated and largely just a mess of lots of stuff flying all over the screen ... no wonder kids today are hyper-active, ADHD, etc. :(
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Re: Games are far too difficult

Post by fredstar »

Lucasarts hadn't put out a decent game since The Force Unleashed (2010) which I thought was pretty good.

Reminded me of Jedi Academy but with better graphics and force powers.

I'm really looking forward to Star Wars Battlefront but after what's happened with Dice and Battlefield 4 I really hope they don't try and rush it release a buggy unfinished game.
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Re: Games are far too difficult

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I read somwhere at the weekend (probably's weekly round-up) that Star Wars Battlefront has been delayed because Battlefront 4 has been delayed.
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Re: Games are far too difficult

Post by fredstar »

Correct, all future DICE projects are currently on hold including Battlefront :( ... 1476602679
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